Ongoing research: 

- Ethical equivalence of humans and robots in health care (accepted AI and Ethics), w/ C. Jorgenson, et al.

- Public Accountability of AI-decision support in policing (R&R), w/ J. Willems, et al.

- Patient Non-Disclosure and virtual assistants (accepted AI, Ethics and Society) , w/ C. Jorgenson, et al.

- Nonprofit leadership and consensus (R&R), w/ J. Willems, et al.

- Collective action problems (submitted), w/ E. Malthouse, et al.

- Management Science Reproducibility Project (ManSciRep), w/ M. Fišar, B. Greiner, and C. Huber

- Cognitive hierarchies in threshold public good games (R&R), w/ D. Iris and S. Lee

- Eye-tracking, strategic sophistication and environment, w/ Y. Funaki, Y. Koriyama, and A. Nakagawa

- Classification aggregation, w/ O. Cailloux, M. Hervouin, and R. Sanver

- On tops-only social choice, w/ R. Sanver

- Determinants of electoral participation in Burkina Faso, w/ U. Ozdemir and R. Sanver

                               Completed Papers 


  1. PC
    Axiomatization of Plurality Refinements
    Ozkes, Ali and Sanver, Remzi
    Public Choice, Volume 200, pages 285–292 (2024)
  2. ManSci
    Reproducibility in Management Science
    Management Science, Volume 70, No 3, pages 1343–1356, (2024)
  3. SCWE
    Voting Behavior in One-Shot and Iterative Multiple Referenda
    Social Choice and Welfare, Forthcoming
  4. EcoLet
    Ultimatum bargaining: Algorithms vs. Humans
    Economics Letters, Volume 244, 111979 (2024)
  5. MSS
    Classification Aggregation without Unanimity
    Mathematical Social Sciences, 2024
  6. 2023

    1. ExpEcon
      Strategic Environment Effect and Communication
      Hanaki, Nobuyuki and Ozkes, Ali
      Experimental Economics, 2023
    2. EcoLet
      Uniform Random Dictatorship: A characterization without strategy-proofness
      Ozkes, Ali and Sanver, Remzi
      Economics Letters, Volume 227, June 2023, 111127
    3. IJSR
      Are robots to be created in our own image? Testing the ethical equivalence of robots and humans
      International Journal of Social Robotics, 15, pages 85–99 (2023)
    4. 2022

      1. JMathE
        Polarization in Networks: Identification-alienation Framework
        Huremović, Kenan and Ozkes, Ali
        Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2022
      2. 2021

        1. JEBO
          Inclusive Cognitive Hierarchy
          Koriyama, Yukio and Ozkes, Ali
          Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021
        2. SCWE
          Anonymous, neutral, and resolute social choice revisited
          Ozkes, Ali, and Sanver, Remzi
          Social Choice and Welfare, 2021
        3. WP
          Ability or motivation? Voter registration and turnout in Burkina Faso
          Ozdemir, Ugur, Ozkes, Ali, and Sanver, Remzi
          Working Paper, 2021


        1. EcoLet
          Absolute qualified majoritarianism: How does the threshold matter?
          Ozkes, Ali and Sanver, Remzi
          Economics Letters, 2017
        2. WP
          Generalized Measures of Polarization in Preferences
          Can, Burak, Ozkes, Ali, and Storcken, Ton
          Working Paper, 2017
        3. 2016

          1. SCWE
            Hyper-stable Social Welfare Functions
            Lainé, Jean, Ozkes, Ali, and Sanver, Remzi
            Social Choice and Welfare, 2016
          2. 2015

            1. MSS
              Measuring Polarization in Preferences
              Can, Burak, Ozkes, Ali, and Storcken, Ton
              Mathematical Social Sciences, 2015
            2. 2014 BC

              1. WP
                Measuring Public Preferential Polarization
                Ozdemir, Ugur and Ozkes, Ali
                Working paper, 2014